Well. That’s it. There is nothing more to be done. The exam is finished and handed in. The letters have been sent. The ads posted. The request made and made again. Every angle has been tried.  Every detail checked.

It is done.

It is time to let go.

Surrender is the hardest when we have the most at stake. Our loved ones, our financial stability, our art, our careers, our purpose. It would seem that we would not ever want to slide sideways into the vulnerable unknown when it comes to these important and dear ones.

The mind says “Let’s control our way out of vulnerability!”


Except that doesn’t always work. Especially when we need to wait for results, or wait for the call, or wait for the response, or wait for payday.

We are flung into the barren void.

Ouch. It feels terrible here. Living in unknownland.

So what can we reasonably do?

The only thing that has ever reliably worked for me is this:

First, surrender attachments. Acknowledge that there is more in play here than just you. There are pieces and people that need to move into place first. You don’t even know what needs to shift first. It is not your work to orchestrate it all. You can’t make it go faster. All you can do is acknowledge that your part is done. All you can do is let go of “how it is all supposed to turn out”.

Once you let go of the wishing for it to be different rather than the way it is, you release the pressure. You begin to free up energy. There is more space.

It is the way it is.

Let everything else go.

Let go of labels. Let go of the outcome. Let go of calling it a good or bad experience. Let go completely.

This is different from giving up. Hugely different! Letting go is the deep acknowledgment that forces beyond you are at work on your behalf. Giving up is about losing faith and abandoning what you want in a misguided attempt to minimize pain. Letting go is expansive. Giving up is contractive.  Letting go helps you; giving up does not.

When you let go, you are really just handing it over to the Universe. You can make this easier by thinking of a spirit, being, God, Goddess, or passed over loved one, someone who really is in your corner standing in front of you right now. Maybe they even have their hands on your shoulders or they are giving you a hug. They tell you, “Leave it with me.”

Let them take whatever is worrying you. It is their turn to do their job. You trust and believe in them to give you a clear signal of when they are done. You will get a strong impulse to act only when it is your turn.

Everything else is well handled.

Listen very closely to your guidance system. Follow your intuitive hunches and instincts for the next three days. Watch and be amazed.

Let me know how this works for you!
