
Why I love Reiki even more: coping with minor emergencies and the unplanned 

This morning, as I was enjoying my coffee, the fire alarm started blaring in the hallway in my condo. I looked in the hallway expecting the usual false alarm, but instead saw a haze of smoke and neighbours trying to figure out the source. The fire department had been called and I could already hear the [...]

Faith or Worry?

The second Reiki Ideal is to let go of worry. Which sounds great, but can be a daunting task. When worry takes over, it is nearly impossible to see anything beyond it. What is on the other side of worry, its antidote, is faith. Faith in yourself, in kindness, in possibilities, in the Divine. By reaching [...]

How the Reiki Principles have improved my life, awakened my dreams, and generally just made everything better

I love Reiki. I love teaching it, self-healing with it, and helping others with it. The list of ways that it has substantially improved my life is a long, long, long list. One of the most profound aspects of Reiki is the Reiki Principles or the Reiki Ideals. They have been so helpful to me [...]

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