
Podcast 14 – How does Reiki help with Past-Life Healing?

In this podcast episode, Geneva Robins and Raven Healey chat about past-life healing and how Reiki can help release trauma stored in time. It's kinda wild, but past life memories and stored trauma can come up and be released and healed through a Reiki session.   Reiki is beyond time and space. It doesn't matter [...]

Angel Spacesuit Planner: It’s not about TIME, it’s about ENERGY

Create More ENERGY with the Angel Spacesuit Planner. Have you ever wished there were more hours in the day? Who hasn’t, right!? About a year ago, I was stuck and swirling in the chaos of endless notifications. Bing! Bing! Bing! It NEVER stops. Not that I want it to! I’m running a business, keeping in [...]

Drink Deeply: Slowing down in the Age of Twitch

I love little independent cafés. They are geared down sanctuaries for our city-life. Little eddies of time in the fast flowing pace of modern, twitchy life. These little shops have a personality. They have character. The feel like a cozy tea and good book. They allow us the rare opportunity to connect. Not plugged in [...]

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