The Secret Art of Happiness

Mindful Meditation for Pain Relief

Experience the power of mindful meditation for pain relief. Learn to create a gentle, accepting space to decrease tension and alleviate emotional or physical pain. This meditation is from the Patience Chapter of the book The Secret Art of Happiness. Being patient is easy when everything is going well, but it is nearly impossible when [...]

Podcast 20 – Do Affirmations Work?

Yes! Affirmations work! That’s our short answer to this very big question. Angela Hoogeveen joins Geneva Robins in this episode to share their experiences with how affirmations have worked in their lives to move forward, lift fear, and decrease pain of all kinds. […]

Finding Solace in Mindful Activities: Embracing the Power of Presence

In this blog, we invite you to explore the transformative nature of mindful activities to escape the clutches of worry and embrace a more fulfilling way of living. By understanding that worry is merely a mental habit, we can consciously cultivate new patterns of thinking and being that lead to a healthier and more empowered [...]

Kindness Meditation

Kindness is the fifth Reiki Ideal. This kindness meditation helps you access the source of kindness for yourself and others. Rest and relax and know that everything will be okay. You are enough, and all is well. […]

Reiki Ideal Meditation

In the Reiki Ideal Meditation, you get a chance to settle into the powerful affirmations that shift you into a state of peace and happiness. The affirmations are from the Affirmation Ladders in my book, The Secret Art of Happiness: Change Your Life with the Reiki Ideals. The affirmation ladder process is a way of [...]

Try this experiment! Only a few minutes will change your life.

A little while ago I posted a couple of meditation and Reiki quizzes, where you rank your stress and happiness levels before and after meditation or a self-healing Reiki session. So cool! The results are so neat and clear. Even just five minutes, meditation and Reiki can completely change your state. Your stress levels drop [...]

Releasing Anger Meditation

Whew! Anger! It can be a tricky emotion to handle. Meditation often helps to soothe the fire of anger, but getting there when you are overwhelmed can be really difficult. This guided meditation is specifically for times when you are angry or feeling resistance. It acknowledges and releases your feelings while helping you understand the deeper [...]

Joyful Life: Writing and Helping Full-time

Summer is fully here. And with it arrives a dream. A year ago, I started the first draft of my book, The Secret Art of Happiness, and since then, I have been working on it whenever I could. Now I am lucky to be able to devote my focus and energy this summer on the revisions and [...]

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