
Empowerment in 4 Minutes – Try this Tadasana Meditation

It feels like the only constant these days is change. What feels most natural to me in times where I am afraid, uncertain and oh-so-vulnerable, is yoga. I can always find my way to my mat even when I can barely peel myself up off the floor. In just 4 minutes with this easy guided [...]

Waking Meditation

Put this guided meditation on when you get up in the morning, either while you’re resting in bed or as you begin your day. Its effortless self-care. Begin each day with a clear energy field and a grounded presence. […]

Following the Path to the Heart

Surrender. It can be massively unsettling to flow with events beyond our control. But the energy of support has never been greater. In this episode, originally recorded on March 26, 2020, join us to tap into the spirit of service, solution, and connection. […]

I need help – Learning how to say the world’s hardest sentence.

I need help. We all do. Every one of us.  To get through this time (and the ones ahead, but let’s stay present!), we need to all learn how to ask for help. […]

Colouring Time! Affirmations and Creative Fairy Snot

So if you have walked into a bookstore lately, you probably have seen the **awesome!! happy clap!** display of adult colouring books. Yes, that is right! Permission to colour!! I spent many hours this summer swooning over the pages of the mandala colouring book I have. Besides being super fun, it struck me that there is [...]

Finding harmony: Snuggling up to the reverb

There is a sound  the Universe makes. It is a deep hum. Listen now. Listen until you hear the listening. Only then will you hear it. When you hear it, it is unmistakable. It's voice vibrates your atoms. It blurs the edges of the concept of 'you'. Me. I. In the stillness, allow the waves [...]

Butterfly silk: Weaving a tale of transformation 

Imagine tiny golden threads… No… not even that large. Imagine golden, light-filled strands, tiny filaments of silk. A breath and, afflutter, they swoosh and swirl away. Less solid than a curl of incense rising from the offering. […]

By |2018-06-11T19:26:41-06:00May 23, 2015|Categories: Poetry and Writing|Tags: , , , , |2 Comments

Crowd surfing the universe 

There are moments in receiving a Reiki session where you stop trying to record all the information and just fall silent. The conscious mind stills. A slack tide in the midst of it all. In that space that opens up, pure energy falls in and fills your intention to fullness. In these moments of letting [...]

Gassho and Rei-ji-ho

Gassho means meditation with hands together, a foundational practice of Reiki. Holding your hands together, in prayer position or anjali mudra, in front of your heart, signals the beginning of any Reiki session. It centres us in the Reiki energy and activates the flow of energy through the body. This activation of energy in Gassho [...]

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