
Quantum Leaps: How Reiki Works

Reiki gives us access to the quantum energy in the universal field and works through our consciousness. The process is the same whether we are in the same room or half a world apart. I have always been fascinated by distance Reiki. It truly seems to tap into the quantum nature of the universe. It’s magic. [...]

Full Strawberry Moon: Riding out the Energetic Turbulence

Hello lovely peoples! I hope you are riding out the intense energy surrounding this full moon on the summer solstice. There was a bunch of things shifting in the world at large and it generally meant that a big ol’ spotlight was shone on any parts of your life that needed to change. [...]

Try this experiment! Only a few minutes will change your life.

A little while ago I posted a couple of meditation and Reiki quizzes, where you rank your stress and happiness levels before and after meditation or a self-healing Reiki session. So cool! The results are so neat and clear. Even just five minutes, meditation and Reiki can completely change your state. Your stress levels drop [...]

Brené Brown on Vulnerability

Brené Brown is a vulnerability and shame researcher. This TED talk is an amazing explanation of the importance of vulnerability in our lives and how we connect to other human beings. From a Reiki perspective, disarming the shame beast is a crucial process in self-healing. Once we are able to truly love ourselves, our ability [...]

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