
Why We Love Reiki

Reiki has been a strong support for us through this and so many other things. It’s a beautiful system of flowing universal life force energy through the system to balance mind, body, and spirit. In this episode, originally recorded on June 1, 2020, we wax poetic about Reiki and why it has totally changed our [...]

There’s a Way

Do you have a guiding intention? A statement that you say to yourself that can pull you through anything? Maybe it’s a theme song, a powerful image, or a feeling that guides your internal compass. If so, you have a miracle in your pocket. Yay! Intention setting and a positive mindset are the most powerful [...]

Dream Big

You have gifts to share. You’re a bright and radiant light in the world. Deep inside, you have guidance and wonderful things to create. Even if you’re not really feeling it right now, you are a spark of light. Your presence matters. In this episode, originally recorded on May 16, 2020, we’ll help you connect [...]

Take the First Step Toward Your Dreams

You may be thinking, “How do your dreams happen now?” With all this disruption, it can feel like it’s all slipping away. But rest assured, all you need to do is take one tiny step after another to create massive positive changes. Maybe you’ve started to build something amazing; maybe you have big dreams of [...]

Grief, Love, Impossible Hope – Working and Creating through Crisis

Just when I think my heart can’t break any more… It does. I just heard about the mass shooting in Nova Scotia. And I broke down in tears. Again. Since COVID-19 started, I’ve been awash in emotions. Part of being a sensitive person, and filled with empathy, is having a lot of emotions about the [...]

You are Strong and Capable

There’s a light within you. A strength and courage that knows no bounds. No matter what, you are powerful. Be the Light you have always been. In this episode, originally recorded on April 13, 2020, you’ll learn ways to access this power even in the midst of turmoil and emotional upheaval. […]

Empowerment in 4 Minutes – Try this Tadasana Meditation

It feels like the only constant these days is change. What feels most natural to me in times where I am afraid, uncertain and oh-so-vulnerable, is yoga. I can always find my way to my mat even when I can barely peel myself up off the floor. In just 4 minutes with this easy guided [...]

Gratitude as a powerful Force of Positive Change

Even in the darkest of days, there’s always something to be grateful for. Just a tiny bit of positivity can completely change things for you now. Never before has the power of manifestation been greater. As you are facing this disruption, you’re also surrounded by a powerful force of loving energy that is activated by [...]

Waking up in Oz or The Upsidedown – The Spiritual Path through the Underworld

It’s surreal… isn’t it? Everything is upsidedown and backwards at the moment. It makes us think of the classic fairytale stories of being thrown into a strange land, and the only way out is to transform. Connect with us and find the ray of light and strength that has been inside you all along. In [...]

Practicing Asking For Help

To be a good helper, we need to practice asking for help too. A big lesson we are collectively learning is when and how to ask for help. In this episode, originally recorded on March 30, 2020, we explore the power of asking for help. Join together with us and tune into your inner knowing [...]

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