letting go

Brené Brown On Shame and Empathy

Brené Brown is just friggen awesome. Every single time I watch this video on shame, I get chills. There is just no substitute for brilliance like this. “Shame drives two big tapes: “Never good enough”; and if you can talk it out of that one, “Who do you think you are?” – Brené Brown Shame is, [...]

One tiny breath: Letting go of anger

Anger. It can be liberating, like a forest fire, burning down the old and unneeded. It can also be destructive. Emptying. A laying waste to the inner landscape. In its wake, we burn ourselves out and are left putting things in order. It is not that anger is bad; it is just that it is [...]

There is no push or pull in Reiki

I like to tell my students that there is no push or pull in Reiki. It is divine, infinite and intelligent. You don't need to push it it go faster, you only need to get out of the way of it. Just like you don't need to push a waterfall, Reiki is always there, flowing [...]

What do you do when you can’t do anything else?

Well. That's it. There is nothing more to be done. The exam is finished and handed in. The letters have been sent. The ads posted. The request made and made again. Every angle has been tried.  Every detail checked. It is done. It is time to let go. Surrender is the hardest when we have [...]

By |2015-04-08T13:48:31-06:00April 8, 2015|Categories: The Secret Art of Happiness|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Spring Cleaning

I am relishing this spring. So many things are coming together. There are sprouts of green all around me. It is a traditional time for clearing house. I am swept along in the energy of the season. Happily, I am letting go. But even more I am happily making room for good to flow in. [...]

By |2013-05-20T00:33:48-06:00May 20, 2013|Categories: General|Tags: , , |0 Comments
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