Letting go of Anger

Try this experiment! Only a few minutes will change your life.

A little while ago I posted a couple of meditation and Reiki quizzes, where you rank your stress and happiness levels before and after meditation or a self-healing Reiki session. So cool! The results are so neat and clear. Even just five minutes, meditation and Reiki can completely change your state. Your stress levels drop [...]

Releasing Anger Meditation

Whew! Anger! It can be a tricky emotion to handle. Meditation often helps to soothe the fire of anger, but getting there when you are overwhelmed can be really difficult. This guided meditation is specifically for times when you are angry or feeling resistance. It acknowledges and releases your feelings while helping you understand the deeper [...]

Letting go of Anger Affirmation Ladder

Letting go of anger is a process. It is difficult when we are overwhelmed with emotion to jump right to a positive, happy thought. Peace may feel light-years away. With the Affirmation Ladder process in my book The Secret Art of Happiness: Change your Life with the Reiki Ideals, you don't need to get to [...]

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