Law of Attraction

Podcast 23 – Special Sessions Part 2 – Connect and Manifest

In this episode, Kim Star and Geneva Robins chat about the transformational energy created by our new Special Sessions. Each is unique in its own way, but all of them lead you to a greater connection with Source energy and your true self. The pathways may differ, but the result is the same: you leave [...]

What is the 555 Plan for Creative Change?

Start your creative dreams with the 555 Plan. Simply do these three things: five minutes of meditation, five minutes of mindset journaling, and five minutes of forward motion. When you put them all together, you activate a powerful energy and create a series of mindful actions that are aligned with your dreams. Begin the process [...]

Podcast 09 – Get out of your Funk and Get into Alignment with the Law of Attraction

In this episode, Geneva Robins and Alisia Marie chat about getting out of a funk and into alignment with the law of attraction and all of the good stuff in the Universe. Join us on our tumble down the psychic rabbit holes, and find out how the Universe syncs up with you. Thanks for being [...]

Take the First Step Toward Your Dreams

You may be thinking, “How do your dreams happen now?” With all this disruption, it can feel like it’s all slipping away. But rest assured, all you need to do is take one tiny step after another to create massive positive changes. Maybe you’ve started to build something amazing; maybe you have big dreams of [...]

Gratitude as a powerful Force of Positive Change

Even in the darkest of days, there’s always something to be grateful for. Just a tiny bit of positivity can completely change things for you now. Never before has the power of manifestation been greater. As you are facing this disruption, you’re also surrounded by a powerful force of loving energy that is activated by [...]

Activating Divine Will Meditation

Try this powerful meditation for the solar plexus chakra. The solar plexus governs our personal power, individuality, and confidence. This meditation activates your solar plexus and also connects us to the Divine Solar Plexus. It is a meditation that activates your life purpose and your power to manifest miracles in your life. Each Master [...]

Butterfly silk: Weaving a tale of transformation 

Imagine tiny golden threads… No… not even that large. Imagine golden, light-filled strands, tiny filaments of silk. A breath and, afflutter, they swoosh and swirl away. Less solid than a curl of incense rising from the offering. […]

By |2018-06-11T19:26:41-06:00May 23, 2015|Categories: Poetry and Writing|Tags: , , , , |2 Comments

Signs of Spring

Signs of Spring is a process I use to enhance my trust in the Universe. I developed as a part of my book, Secret Art of Happiness: Change your Life with the Reiki Ideals. It really works. Just a tiny bit of positive attention to the things that are working in your life, means that [...]

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