
Moving Meditation

Meditate on the go! The Moving Meditation will help you start your exercise routine even if you really want to stay on the couch. You’ll focus on each chakra, or energy centre, in your body as you go for a walk, run, or workout. […]

Holiday Magic Meditation

Connect with the joy of the season with this Holiday Magic Meditation. Flow with the river of light and joy to a beautiful and cozy place. Drop into a peaceful and loving space where you can connect to the holiday spirit. […]

Why We Love Reiki

Reiki has been a strong support for us through this and so many other things. It’s a beautiful system of flowing universal life force energy through the system to balance mind, body, and spirit. In this episode, originally recorded on June 1, 2020, we wax poetic about Reiki and why it has totally changed our [...]

Finding your purpose: Let the joy guide you

Why are you here? What are you supposed to do with your life? What is your purpose? These are giants, as far as questions go. The answers are not simple and not always clear. Perhaps it is not known until the end, looking back, when everything becomes understood. What has made all the difference to [...]

Transformative Energy Healing

This weekend was the eighth and last class of my first Level I Reiki course, which is an eight lesson course. I developed the longer format for teaching after learning that Master Usui would train his students for years before attuning them to Level I. My intent was to infuse the discipline that comes from [...]

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