
How do I connect to the Angels?

How do I connect to the Angels? If anyone else can connect to the angels or their spiritual team, why not you? This was the idea that motivated my spiritual journey to expand my intuition. As I connected to my Reiki practice, I expanded my connection to spiritual guidance. Reiki has a way of opening [...]

How do you Connect to your Divine Team?

In this video, learn the top tips for learning how to connect with your guides, guardian angels, spiritual advisors, and ascended masters – Your Divine Team! This connection can give you access to loving and wise information that can help you on your spiritual path. […]

Podcast 13 – How do you Listen to Your Inner Wisdom

In this episode, learn how to access your intuition and wise guidance. Rita Reddy and Geneva Robins share their top tips to connect to your inner wisdom.   […]

By |2023-08-13T12:41:17-06:00July 15, 2023|Categories: Wellness and Growth Podcast Collection|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

Why I love Reiki

I will always be thankful for the beautiful energy of Reiki and all of the many ways it has touched my life. Reiki has given me faith in my divine essence, showing me the light I cultivate within. Being attuned to the energy symbols has allowed me to open back up to my intuitive senses, [...]

How to get Organized Once and for All

There are three chakras that will help you with organization and clarity: the root, solar plexus, and third-eye. Take a few minutes each morning and evening doing this practice: […]

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