
Empowerment in 4 Minutes – Try this Tadasana Meditation

It feels like the only constant these days is change. What feels most natural to me in times where I am afraid, uncertain and oh-so-vulnerable, is yoga. I can always find my way to my mat even when I can barely peel myself up off the floor. In just 4 minutes with this easy guided [...]

Gratitude as a powerful Force of Positive Change

Even in the darkest of days, there’s always something to be grateful for. Just a tiny bit of positivity can completely change things for you now. Never before has the power of manifestation been greater. As you are facing this disruption, you’re also surrounded by a powerful force of loving energy that is activated by [...]

Waking up in Oz or The Upsidedown – The Spiritual Path through the Underworld

It’s surreal… isn’t it? Everything is upsidedown and backwards at the moment. It makes us think of the classic fairytale stories of being thrown into a strange land, and the only way out is to transform. Connect with us and find the ray of light and strength that has been inside you all along. In [...]

Practicing Asking For Help

To be a good helper, we need to practice asking for help too. A big lesson we are collectively learning is when and how to ask for help. In this episode, originally recorded on March 30, 2020, we explore the power of asking for help. Join together with us and tune into your inner knowing [...]

Following the Path to the Heart

Surrender. It can be massively unsettling to flow with events beyond our control. But the energy of support has never been greater. In this episode, originally recorded on March 26, 2020, join us to tap into the spirit of service, solution, and connection. […]

[Q&A] How do I remain grounded and mindful when my work environment has an extremely high amount of stress?

Question: I struggle to remain grounded and mindful when my work environment has an extremely high amount of stress and multiple personalities during this pandemic. Things are rapidly changing every hour and I struggle the most especially when I don’t agree with decisions that are being made. I ground myself and meditate several times a [...]

By |2022-01-02T23:14:30-07:00March 24, 2020|Categories: Q&A|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Feeling Through the Darkness to the Light

So many losses. So much disruption and change. It’s natural to feel grief and sadness now. All your feelings are okay. Joy, calm, anger, confusion, distraction, numbing, hope. Let’s feel through it all together. This is a recording of our free online event, originally recorded on March 22, 2020, designed to bring our community of [...]

Lightworker Global Call to Action

Are you feeling anxious, overwhelmed, alone or isolated? Are you feeling unsure of what to do, where to turn, or what may come? Come take a breath with us. This is a recording of our free online event, originally recorded on March 15, 2020, designed to bring our community of sensitive souls together and provide [...]

How to get Organized Once and for All

There are three chakras that will help you with organization and clarity: the root, solar plexus, and third-eye. Take a few minutes each morning and evening doing this practice: […]

Rainbow Tree: Chakra Balancing for Kids

This Rainbow Tree exercise is an active, standing meditation that lets kids balance their chakras and clear their energy. They get to have some fun while they are grounding, filling up their chakras and aura with light. At the end, they feel safe, protected, and balanced. Their natural sweetness rises to the surface, and they [...]

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