
Empowerment in 4 Minutes – Try this Tadasana Meditation

It feels like the only constant these days is change. What feels most natural to me in times where I am afraid, uncertain and oh-so-vulnerable, is yoga. I can always find my way to my mat even when I can barely peel myself up off the floor. In just 4 minutes with this easy guided [...]

Lightworker Global Call to Action

Are you feeling anxious, overwhelmed, alone or isolated? Are you feeling unsure of what to do, where to turn, or what may come? Come take a breath with us. This is a recording of our free online event, originally recorded on March 15, 2020, designed to bring our community of sensitive souls together and provide [...]

Calming Fear and Panic – Cultivating Empowered Immunity

Natural ways to boost your immune system during the COVID-19 Pandemic These are unprecedented times and I want to be sure you have the support you need as a sensitive soul to not only cope with the rapidly changing information related to the worldwide pandemic happening now but to reach beyond that to empowered and mindful action. [...]

Angel Spacesuit Planner: It’s not about TIME, it’s about ENERGY

Create More ENERGY with the Angel Spacesuit Planner. Have you ever wished there were more hours in the day? Who hasn’t, right!? About a year ago, I was stuck and swirling in the chaos of endless notifications. Bing! Bing! Bing! It NEVER stops. Not that I want it to! I’m running a business, keeping in [...]

Why I love Reiki

I will always be thankful for the beautiful energy of Reiki and all of the many ways it has touched my life. Reiki has given me faith in my divine essence, showing me the light I cultivate within. Being attuned to the energy symbols has allowed me to open back up to my intuitive senses, [...]

Quantum Leaps: How Reiki Works

Reiki gives us access to the quantum energy in the universal field and works through our consciousness. The process is the same whether we are in the same room or half a world apart. I have always been fascinated by distance Reiki. It truly seems to tap into the quantum nature of the universe. It’s magic. [...]

Full Strawberry Moon: Riding out the Energetic Turbulence

Hello lovely peoples! I hope you are riding out the intense energy surrounding this full moon on the summer solstice. There was a bunch of things shifting in the world at large and it generally meant that a big ol’ spotlight was shone on any parts of your life that needed to change. [...]

What is Reiki anyway?

I had the privilege of being interviewed by Deanne Barrett of the Radiant Mom Podcast. It was an amazing experience and generated such a great conversation. In this video clip, Deanne asks one of the most common questions I get asked by people. “What is Reiki anyway?” […]

Colouring Time! Affirmations and Creative Fairy Snot

So if you have walked into a bookstore lately, you probably have seen the **awesome!! happy clap!** display of adult colouring books. Yes, that is right! Permission to colour!! I spent many hours this summer swooning over the pages of the mandala colouring book I have. Besides being super fun, it struck me that there is [...]

A drop of gratitude nets the ocean

Affirmations are powerful. They are palpable vibrations that immediately begin shifting matter. Speak them aloud, and you will actually create form. Sound waves compress and decompress the air in front of your lips. The vibrations of vocal cords, nasal cavities, and even bone and brain. This is profound sound healing. […]

By |2024-01-03T19:12:19-07:00March 12, 2015|Categories: Poetry and Writing|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments
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