
Empaths and Empathy: How can I be supportive without taking on what other people feel?

Are you a super feeler? You might be an empath. In this video (originally recorded on August 6, 2020), we discuss the amazing benefits of your gift of sensitivity and some helpful ways of understanding how to stay in that compassionate vibe without absorbing other people’s stuff. […]

By |2023-08-13T14:06:17-06:00December 4, 2021|Categories: Lightworker Global Call to Action|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Chakra Energy Quiz

Tune into the energy levels in your chakras and aura. Take this quiz to find out where you’re at. The Chakra Energy Quiz will help you understand where your levels are, so you can focus on recharging your energy. Because when your energy is full and clear, there’s nothing you can’t do! Just like you [...]

What Happens During A Sound Healing Session?

Sound healing sessions are a non-invasive and gentle way to balance and restore the energy of the body, mind, and spirit.  The practitioner may use several different instruments to create the natural vibrations that resonate with the body and create a sense of balance, peace, and harmony.  So what is a sound session like? [...]

By |2022-10-02T20:38:58-06:00October 5, 2021|Categories: General|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

The Wisdom of Summer Surrender: How to Let Go

Each season brings opportunities to access the energy of nature. Summertime energy helps you surrender to a greater power. You can access the deep harmony of the cycle of the seasons. You awaken to a deeper spiritual essence when you connect to the flow of nature. Recorded on July 21st, 2020, during the slow-growing summer [...]

Why We Love Reiki

Reiki has been a strong support for us through this and so many other things. It’s a beautiful system of flowing universal life force energy through the system to balance mind, body, and spirit. In this episode, originally recorded on June 1, 2020, we wax poetic about Reiki and why it has totally changed our [...]

Take the First Step Toward Your Dreams

You may be thinking, “How do your dreams happen now?” With all this disruption, it can feel like it’s all slipping away. But rest assured, all you need to do is take one tiny step after another to create massive positive changes. Maybe you’ve started to build something amazing; maybe you have big dreams of [...]

Boredom is Beautiful

Tired of isolation? Getting exhausted from doing ‘nothing’ while this pandemic is happening? Join us to learn why boredom is a beautiful thing, and your fatigue could actually be from energy overload. In this episode, originally recorded on April 27, 2020, we explore why boredom is actually an important step in our growth. Special guest: [...]

Grief, Love, Impossible Hope – Working and Creating through Crisis

Just when I think my heart can’t break any more… It does. I just heard about the mass shooting in Nova Scotia. And I broke down in tears. Again. Since COVID-19 started, I’ve been awash in emotions. Part of being a sensitive person, and filled with empathy, is having a lot of emotions about the [...]

You are Strong and Capable

There’s a light within you. A strength and courage that knows no bounds. No matter what, you are powerful. Be the Light you have always been. In this episode, originally recorded on April 13, 2020, you’ll learn ways to access this power even in the midst of turmoil and emotional upheaval. […]

Grounding Meditation

Grounding is one of the first things I teach in Reiki, but it is a powerful skill that anyone can do. Grounding is simply connecting to the vast love of Mother Earth and allowing this energy to support and heal us. This meditation will help you connect to that vast and loving power. [...]

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