
Being Brave Anyway! How to become comfortable with vulnerability. 

Yeah. So. Vulnerability sucks. (Can I get an amen!?) It is the rough and tattered edge of what we previously thought was possible for ourselves. It would be easier to be comfortable with the status quo. “Don’t ever change anything!”, shouts our ego. But if we enjoy breathing, change we must. Either way, life will [...]


Shining eyes and heartfelt smiles. Sincere hugs and shared laughter. Watchful mentors and eager students. Careful questions and thoughtful answers. Feeling joy on the inside and kitchen table revelations. Tea and hummus. Mostly, humbled and expanded, but starting and starting again. A daring journey into unknown territory. Surrendering the need to figure it all out. [...]

By |2018-06-08T20:32:35-06:00May 25, 2013|Categories: Poetry and Writing|Tags: , , , |0 Comments
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