
There’s a Way

Do you have a guiding intention? A statement that you say to yourself that can pull you through anything? Maybe it’s a theme song, a powerful image, or a feeling that guides your internal compass. If so, you have a miracle in your pocket. Yay! Intention setting and a positive mindset are the most powerful [...]

Gratitude as a powerful Force of Positive Change

Even in the darkest of days, there’s always something to be grateful for. Just a tiny bit of positivity can completely change things for you now. Never before has the power of manifestation been greater. As you are facing this disruption, you’re also surrounded by a powerful force of loving energy that is activated by [...]

Enjoying the Journey

“So often we become so focused on the finish line, that we fail to enjoy the journey.” –Dieter F. Uchtdorf This has been coming up for me a lot lately. In a world where we’re always striving to be someone or get somewhere, when I take a moment to appreciate my surroundings, and notice all [...]

Just for Today, I will be Grateful

Just for today, I will be grateful. I can’t commit to being happy all the time, but I can commit to being grateful, one day at a time. In fact, it is my daily commitment to gratitude that keeps me going. Giving thanks has been part of my life for as long as I can [...]

Meditation for Creative Expression

Meet your creative mentor and deeply access your creative and courageous potential in this guided meditation by Geneva Robins. If you have had any problems with creative blocks lately, this meditation will set you free and back on the creative train. I've been using this meditation in my classes for a while now with great [...]

Signs of Spring

Signs of Spring is a process I use to enhance my trust in the Universe. I developed as a part of my book, Secret Art of Happiness: Change your Life with the Reiki Ideals. It really works. Just a tiny bit of positive attention to the things that are working in your life, means that [...]

A drop of gratitude nets the ocean

Affirmations are powerful. They are palpable vibrations that immediately begin shifting matter. Speak them aloud, and you will actually create form. Sound waves compress and decompress the air in front of your lips. The vibrations of vocal cords, nasal cavities, and even bone and brain. This is profound sound healing. […]

By |2024-01-03T19:12:19-07:00March 12, 2015|Categories: Poetry and Writing|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

How the Reiki Principles have improved my life, awakened my dreams, and generally just made everything better

I love Reiki. I love teaching it, self-healing with it, and helping others with it. The list of ways that it has substantially improved my life is a long, long, long list. One of the most profound aspects of Reiki is the Reiki Principles or the Reiki Ideals. They have been so helpful to me [...]


Shining eyes and heartfelt smiles. Sincere hugs and shared laughter. Watchful mentors and eager students. Careful questions and thoughtful answers. Feeling joy on the inside and kitchen table revelations. Tea and hummus. Mostly, humbled and expanded, but starting and starting again. A daring journey into unknown territory. Surrendering the need to figure it all out. [...]

By |2018-06-08T20:32:35-06:00May 25, 2013|Categories: Poetry and Writing|Tags: , , , |0 Comments
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