
When your Heart says Yes – Follow It!

In this video, we chat about the power of following the heart and soothing the ego. When your heart says yes, but your ego says no, it can be confusing. But we've found that life moves forward in a beautiful way when you listen to the deep wisdom of your soul and take mindful steps [...]

By |2024-05-04T12:46:33-06:00May 4, 2024|Categories: Videos and Talks|Tags: , , , , , , , |0 Comments

Podcast 18 – How Can Reiki Help Me with Strong Emotions

In this podcast episode, Raven Healey and Geneva Robins chat about how Reiki can help you manage strong emotions. Reiki is naturally grounding and helps to set energetic boundaries and keep your energy field clear. We share the profound shifts this practice has brought into our lives and some of the other tools and books [...]

Using Reiki to Calm Strong Emotions

Learn how Reiki has helped us calm strong emotions and even some stress-linked illnesses. Raven Healey and Geneva Robins sat down for a chat for the LunaHolistic Podcast Episode 18.Find full podcast episodes on Apple Podcasts or Spotify – LunaHolistic Podcast […]

How do you Release Anger from your Energy?

How do you Release Anger safely? Anger is the first Reiki Ideal; Just for today, do not anger. Simple to say, yet can be so difficult to do. In this video, Reiki Master Geneva Robins shares her strategies to help you reset and regain peace. […]

By |2023-06-16T22:42:15-06:00June 16, 2023|Categories: Videos and Talks|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

[Q&A] How do I remain grounded and mindful when my work environment has an extremely high amount of stress?

Question: I struggle to remain grounded and mindful when my work environment has an extremely high amount of stress and multiple personalities during this pandemic. Things are rapidly changing every hour and I struggle the most especially when I don’t agree with decisions that are being made. I ground myself and meditate several times a [...]

By |2022-01-02T23:14:30-07:00March 24, 2020|Categories: Q&A|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Enjoying the Journey

“So often we become so focused on the finish line, that we fail to enjoy the journey.” –Dieter F. Uchtdorf This has been coming up for me a lot lately. In a world where we’re always striving to be someone or get somewhere, when I take a moment to appreciate my surroundings, and notice all [...]

Releasing Anger Meditation

Whew! Anger! It can be a tricky emotion to handle. Meditation often helps to soothe the fire of anger, but getting there when you are overwhelmed can be really difficult. This guided meditation is specifically for times when you are angry or feeling resistance. It acknowledges and releases your feelings while helping you understand the deeper [...]

One tiny breath: Letting go of anger

Anger. It can be liberating, like a forest fire, burning down the old and unneeded. It can also be destructive. Emptying. A laying waste to the inner landscape. In its wake, we burn ourselves out and are left putting things in order. It is not that anger is bad; it is just that it is [...]

Letting go of Anger Affirmation Ladder

Letting go of anger is a process. It is difficult when we are overwhelmed with emotion to jump right to a positive, happy thought. Peace may feel light-years away. With the Affirmation Ladder process in my book The Secret Art of Happiness: Change your Life with the Reiki Ideals, you don't need to get to [...]

How the Reiki Principles have improved my life, awakened my dreams, and generally just made everything better

I love Reiki. I love teaching it, self-healing with it, and helping others with it. The list of ways that it has substantially improved my life is a long, long, long list. One of the most profound aspects of Reiki is the Reiki Principles or the Reiki Ideals. They have been so helpful to me [...]

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