In my classes I use a black tourmaline crystal as a sharing stick. I adopted the practice as a way of allowing everyone a chance to speak and be heard. It is a way of creating community and connection in a very short time.

What started out as an inclusion of a practical nature, has shifted to one of the most important parts of the class. So much teaching and learning happens in that opening share time. It is a precious moment that I now do not skip or rush. Taking that space and time for each member of the group to speak creates warmth and cross-learning that I could not generate on my own as a teacher. It takes the material deeper into the fabric of our lives. We see the lessons that Reiki holds reflected in the stories we hear from others on the same path. It accelerates learning and creates bonds that last.

With something as ineffable as Reiki, it requires sharing to fully understand it. I have learned more about Reiki from hearing it described by others than I have from experiencing directly. It would seem to hold true for many experiences.

I suppose that is why we reach out to others on forums such as blogs, Facebook, and Twitter. We can deepen and understand our own experience better when we see it reflected by others.

A big part of writing in this blog is about connection. I want people to get to know me. I want to hear their stories and understand my own better. I want to widen and extend the sharing circle to include more and more folks who are also on an inner journey.

I want to hear you.

Your turn.