Learn why you are actually superhuman if you are an empath! In this podcast episode, Geneva Robins and Angela Hoogeveen discuss their healing journeys as strong empaths and how they have learned to clear, protect, and ground their energy. You can keep all your gifts sharp and stay sensitive without being bombarded, we’ll show you how!
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What is an empath?
Empaths have a highly developed intuition and are attuned to the energies and emotions of others. Empaths can feel what the other person is feeling and take on or absorb those emotions themselves. An empath is like a sponge when it comes to other people’s emotions.
Not understanding you’re an Empath can cause great distress
Before Angela knew she was an empath, she felt that being highly sensitive was a detriment. She was told she was too sensitive and to toughen up. It took many years for Geneva to understand that she was an empath. Her nervous system was constantly bombarded, and she wasn’t able to discern what she was feeling and what she was taking on from others.
How to Energetically Protect Yourself
All of us – especially empaths – benefit from protecting our aura. Try doing the meditation below anytime you leave the house. You may also need to do it at other times. Angela feels she specifically needs to do it whenever she’s in an airport or on a plane. Geneva adds that if you know you’re going into an energy-dense situation, protecting your aura and putting yourself into an energetic bubble is imperative.
Only put a bubble around yourself. Never try this technique on other people. Unless you are a trained reiki practitioner and are doing a reiki session on someone, it is best to keep your energy hands to yourself and even then, only with clear permission from the person.
Being in a bubble of light helps you to feel more anchored in that strong frequency.
Energy Clearing Meditation for Empaths
Jump to 4:48 in the podcast for a meditation practice to clear your energy and protect your sensitivity.
We are not just physical bodies, but energy bodies. We have an energy field all around us – an aura. This meditation will help you centre your body and help you to connect to Mother Earth. It is important to connect to the present rather than being in the past or future. It will direct you to flow light and energy down through your body and chakras. Imagine a beautiful light surrounding your body. Allow any energy that doesn’t belong to you to melt away. Envision a violet light, the highest frequency, all around you.
The importance of putting yourself in an energetic bubble
Geneva likens an empath not being in a bubble of light to being in a rainstorm without rain gear. If you have proper rain gear, it acts like a membrane between you and the world. It doesn’t stop the rain, but it allows you to manage it.
When you are in a clear energy field, you have access to your own power and light. It is much easier to allow others to be themselves, and you can be respectful of their energy, too. You can be in more situations more fully without feeling energetically bombarded.
Can an Empath Protect and Clear their Own Energy?
Yes! Absolutely, you can. With a bit of practice, you can learn meditative and reframing tools to help you stay in your strong light and energy. Learning Reiki is a wonderful way for empaths to stay in a clear bubble, but there are many other tools too. Geneva and Angela discuss how an empath can protect, clear and ground their own energy.
And if things ever get really intense, receiving a Reiki session can help hit the reset button and is a key tool in having someone facilitate what you may not clear yourself.
Is Being an Empath a Curse or a Superpower?
What the world needs is more people to feel compassion and empathy. The ability to understand what others are going through. The world doesn’t need people to ‘toughen up’. The antidote to being sensitive is not to become tougher or insensitive. It is to teach other people to see the world in a different way, to see the world with eyes of compassion; to put ourselves in other people’s shoes; to relate to what other people experience on a feeling level.
It can feel counterintuitive to embrace being an empath, as it has the potential to cause emotional pain. But once an empath learns to ground, protect and clear their energy, being an empath can definitely feel like a superpower!
Being an Empath is a Gift!
Geneva reveals that, as an empath, once she learned Reiki, she was finally able to feel joy, connection and peace. Angela agrees that Reiki has helped her understand that being an empath is a beautiful thing and something to embrace rather than to push down, push away or to toughen up from.
Honour your sensitivity and recover your power!
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