Every day the moon brings you new waves of energy. The moon influences the tides on the oceans, but it also has a powerful effect on us. Ancient cultures worldwide would use the energy of the moon to guide planting and harvesting cycles as well as timing journeys, business, and trade. This moon calendar will help you flow with the energy to create waves of magic in your life.
Drawing from many traditions, this calendar combines them in a simplified way using the chakra system as a simple colour-coded guide for the energy of each day. Note the colour of each day from the calendar and then favour activities that will harmonize with that chakra’s energy.
Set a new intention for every new moon and follow the manifesting cycle to create miracles in the world.
This calendar is packed with information and will help you flow with the energy and timing of the cosmos. It’s like getting an energetic weather report each day.
- January – Wolf Moon
Each day, the moon moves through different parts of its cycle and zodiac signs. This brings a different energy flavour to the day. I’ve made it simple and colour-coded each day with the chakra energies. With this calendar, you can easily flow with the lunar energy by favouring self-care that is in harmony with the chakra colour for the day.
I’ve been using the prototype of this calendar for the last year, and let me tell you, it’s awesome. I’m pretty sensitive to energy shifts in the collective, so this calendar helps me understand the energetic soup that I’m stepping into each day. I hope it helps you too. 🙂
Try out the Moon Calendar 2021 for FREE
You can test out the November and December moon calendars by clicking here (LunaHolistic Moon Calendar Nov Dec 2021.pdf 4 MB) to download free pdf copies you can print. The best way to know if it works is to run a little experiment!
There’s a handy reference guide at the back that will help you interpret the energy mix for each day (A guidebook is coming soon!).
How do you get one?
It’s simple! Order your 2025 moon calendar today to allow for shipping and printing time (about 2 to 4 weeks).
We use a North American print-on-demand company called Lulu.com so that the shipping distances are shorter and only the amounts that are ordered are printed.
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