On December 31st, 2-4 pm, I’m hosting an online manifesting event called Magnetic Manifesting 2021. We’ll do some journaling to put this past year to rest, some meditation to connect to the Divine-self, and then I’ll help you connect to your powerful manifesting intention for 2021. Leverage the Law of Attraction for the year ahead.
Bye Bye 2020 (at last!)
What a bonkers year it’s been. 2020 is just about to be over. If you feel fatigued and bewildered and a crazy mix of emotions at this year drawing (finally) to a close, you are not alone.
Never before have we been so tested by change and disruption. Fear, grief, anger, confusion, just everything has been a lot, hasn’t it?
And it’s also been a year of revelation, of courage, of growth, of truth coming to light, of rest, of redirection. Everything that’s happened has pushed us to change.
I think the status quo is over and that is scary, but also good and needed. How can we change the big issues in the world if we don’t change the status quo?
This has happened on a personal level as well. Everyone I’ve talked to over this year in sessions and classes has shared how much COVID has changed things, even if it’s just been how they see themselves. This year has put pressure on the things that must change in our lives and in our world. Not comfortable, but necessary.
Together, we’ll do some journaling to help you process and set 2020 to rest. To release the past year with acceptance and gratitude so that you can take that wisdom with you in the years ahead.
Manifesting in 2021
I firmly believe it’s not the wind on the seas but the set of your sail that matters most in life.
If you have a powerful guiding intention for the year, you create a powerful direction for energy to flow. And you’ll flow right along with it. When you’re clear about the direction you’re choosing for your year ahead, you put the Law of Attraction to work for you.
The entire Universe responds to a choice. You create ripples of positivity and potential around you when you set a magnetizing intention. And I’ll help you do that.
I’ve been working with setting magnetizing manifesting intentions for some time now, and I can honestly say that it works! When you’re clear about what you want and why you want it, things start to flow. It’s like unlocking the mystery of the Universe.
Intention Setting Works!
Even if things turn out differently than you expect, like this past year, a powerful intention can draw you forward instead of staying stuck. And that certainly happened for me.
At the end of 2019, I set an intention of ‘Joyful Creation, Productivity, and Creativity‘, basically to make and share as much as I could over this year. And I did! Not at all the way I thought I would, but I got to work this year with great determination. Then COVID-19 happened.
For a while it seemed like all my hopes were dashed, that all my hard work to build LunaHolistic over these years had been undone. But then, I dug deep, I listened to the call of my heart and the guidance of my higher being, and channelled the answer with my pen and my Divine Team. ‘Keep going’ was the collective response. So I did.
I kept going, following the guidance in every step. I put together online events and created a podcast almost literally overnight (I couldn’t sleep anyway). I had been thinking of getting a podcast going for years, but I got the push I needed.
I finished a new Reiki oracle card deck that I had been sitting on for 4 years (coming soon!). I got moving on a bunch of creative projects, like Magnetic Manifesting 2021, that I had been thinking about for years!
And I completely pivoted the Reiki courses to a hybrid of online learning and in-person practicums, retraining my team, and keeping up to date on the safety protocols for sessions as it all unfolded.
Having an intention was a guiding light for me even through the darkest days. And it still prompts me to keep making and sharing all this work with you now.
Your Life Purpose
The real reason I’m doing this event is because I don’t want another year to go by without helping you to create your own magnetic manifesting intention.
I believe in you. I believe in your power to light up your corner of the world and to uncover and live your life’s purpose.
My job has always been to help people activate their light and shine. It’s my mission to support you in finding what lights up your soul and to help you move past the nerves and start sharing what you do with others.
I really do hope to see you on the 31st, please check out the details here: Magnetic Manifesting 2021
The event will be recorded and you’ll get access for a whole year. I’d love it too if you could share it with friends and loved ones who could use a peaceful end to this year of upheaval and a blessed and powerful start to 2021.
Let’s do this!
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