Reiki Articles and Energy Healing

Ooh I love this Class!

I say this every time I teach Reiki, “I love this one!” And I really do. Each class offers it’s own source of revelation and inspiration. There is working through the material, sure. But the sharing that happens in every class always has something to teach me. I’m always excited to learn something new. As [...]

The History of Reiki

Many books have been written about the history of Reiki and how it travelled from Japan to the west. I won't try to reproduce that all here, but I do want to give you a little context about how the system of Reiki was developed. Dr. Mikao Usui (Master Usui) lived from 1865 to 1926 [...]

Gassho and Rei-ji-ho

Gassho means meditation with hands together, a foundational practice of Reiki. Holding your hands together, in prayer position or anjali mudra, in front of your heart, signals the beginning of any Reiki session. It centres us in the Reiki energy and activates the flow of energy through the body. This activation of energy in Gassho [...]

Rainbow Tree: Chakra Balancing for Kids

This Rainbow Tree exercise is an active, standing meditation that lets kids balance their chakras and clear their energy. They get to have some fun while they are grounding, filling up their chakras and aura with light. At the end, they feel safe, protected, and balanced. Their natural sweetness rises to the surface, and they [...]

Intention is the Force that moves Energy

Everything that you have, accomplish, own, or do, begins with an intention. Whether it is aloud, or not, whether it is known or not, whether it is a conscious choice or a subconscious one, intention is the force that moves energy. The goal of most self development work, and Reiki is no exception, is to [...]

Compassion and Kindness

The fifth Reiki Ideal is “Be kind to your neighbour and every living thing”. Often I find that people in my classes do not need any help in being kind and compassionate to others. They offer their love and support and time to anyone and everyone. Except one. Themselves. There is something about being kind [...]

How the Reiki Principles have improved my life, awakened my dreams, and generally just made everything better

I love Reiki. I love teaching it, self-healing with it, and helping others with it. The list of ways that it has substantially improved my life is a long, long, long list. One of the most profound aspects of Reiki is the Reiki Principles or the Reiki Ideals. They have been so helpful to me [...]

Transformative Energy Healing

This weekend was the eighth and last class of my first Level I Reiki course, which is an eight lesson course. I developed the longer format for teaching after learning that Master Usui would train his students for years before attuning them to Level I. My intent was to infuse the discipline that comes from [...]

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