Reiki Articles and Energy Healing

The grace of transformation

I see it in the sparkle returning to their eyes. I see it in the ease in their voices. I see it in the softness in how they hold their shoulders. Tiny and grand, I see people returning to the essence of themselves. Such is the power of Reiki. 

Crowd surfing the universe 

There are moments in receiving a Reiki session where you stop trying to record all the information and just fall silent. The conscious mind stills. A slack tide in the midst of it all. In that space that opens up, pure energy falls in and fills your intention to fullness. In these moments of letting [...]

Being Brave Anyway! How to become comfortable with vulnerability. 

Yeah. So. Vulnerability sucks. (Can I get an amen!?) It is the rough and tattered edge of what we previously thought was possible for ourselves. It would be easier to be comfortable with the status quo. “Don’t ever change anything!”, shouts our ego. But if we enjoy breathing, change we must. Either way, life will [...]

Letting go of Anger Affirmation Ladder

Letting go of anger is a process. It is difficult when we are overwhelmed with emotion to jump right to a positive, happy thought. Peace may feel light-years away. With the Affirmation Ladder process in my book The Secret Art of Happiness: Change your Life with the Reiki Ideals, you don't need to get to [...]

Being: A lesson in presence 

We were talking in class the other day about how much time we spend focused in the present moment. It was actually one of my favourite classes in Master Level where my students teach me the class. The discussion was brilliant and I was left pondering this odd sensation of our attention swinging like a [...]

Faith or Worry?

The second Reiki Ideal is to let go of worry. Which sounds great, but can be a daunting task. When worry takes over, it is nearly impossible to see anything beyond it. What is on the other side of worry, its antidote, is faith. Faith in yourself, in kindness, in possibilities, in the Divine. By reaching [...]

Share time: The beauty of taking turns

In my classes I use a black tourmaline crystal as a sharing stick. I adopted the practice as a way of allowing everyone a chance to speak and be heard. It is a way of creating community and connection in a very short time. What started out as an inclusion of a practical nature, has [...]

I am willing to change: The transformative power of a simple statement

I had the recent joy of being attuned by my Master level students in class. It is such a pleasure to be the receiver. This is especially sweet since I spend so much of my time teaching. Getting the chance to receive Reiki is bliss. In an attunement to Reiki, a tremendous amount of ki [...]

Peace and Possibilities

In just a few minutes, Reiki can change everything. Shifting longstanding patterns and leaving behind peace and possibility. Yesterday, I was stuck, not quite writing, not quite stopped. Today, I freely pick up the task of putting words down, editing, honing. The work may be a challenge, but getting there is easy. What used to be [...]

Just like riding a bike: Trading in perfectionism for joyfulness

I love my bike. Um... Bicycle for you motorcycle enthusiasts... I love my bicycle. I love the simple process of spinning the cranks and the glide of the tires. I love the balance, the repetition, the wind. I love the forward momentum generated by my own efforts. I love that the goal of every trip [...]

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