Reiki Articles and Energy Healing

Finding harmony: Snuggling up to the reverb

There is a sound  the Universe makes. It is a deep hum. Listen now. Listen until you hear the listening. Only then will you hear it. When you hear it, it is unmistakable. It's voice vibrates your atoms. It blurs the edges of the concept of 'you'. Me. I. In the stillness, allow the waves [...]

The Power of Practice 

I remember trembling while speaking. Holding my paper, damp from my unsteady hands, I read my notes in front of the class. Public speaking. Blech! Nothing was less appealing than that.  Often I would enter this surreal, deer-in-the headlights, feeling when faced with talking in front of a group of people. So many times, the [...]

By |2015-05-24T23:38:35-06:00May 24, 2015|Categories: General, Reiki Articles and Energy Healing|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

New creations: Give yourself permission to bloom

Springtime brings blossoms of all kinds. One of the many gifts of spring is the fresh start. The clear and clean slate.  But a clean slate can be scary too.  More than once I have looked at a blank page thinking,"I have nothing to say" or worse.  Creations stopped before they even start.  But creativity [...]

Dream a little dream for me

It can be so easy to hold someone else's dream in your mind. I can easily see each and every one of you as wildly happy, healthy, joyful, and abundant. It is so easy.  It is likely why crowdfunding and microlending sites are so fun. We get to share in someone else's dream and be [...]

There is no push or pull in Reiki

I like to tell my students that there is no push or pull in Reiki. It is divine, infinite and intelligent. You don't need to push it it go faster, you only need to get out of the way of it. Just like you don't need to push a waterfall, Reiki is always there, flowing [...]

Smart people ask for help

My son made a jarring statement in his usual matter of fact, six-going-on-seven tone, "Smart people don't ask for help. They don't NEED help. They can do it by themselves." Yikes! How did this thought sneak through? Of course, I know that he is in his big-boy-I-can-do-it-myself stage. And that he is likely parroting a [...]

Resting: Why balance is crucial for busy people. 

Ah...  To-Do list... You are not my badge of worthiness. You are not my reputation. You are not my source of abundance. Just merely an idea. I have been working full tilt for quite some time. Don't get me wrong, I love this work. I dive into it.  I am filled with creative ideas non-stop [...]

By |2024-04-15T19:02:41-06:00April 6, 2015|Categories: General, Reiki Articles and Energy Healing|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

Heartfullness: Surrendering the mind to the wisdom of the heart 

In Buddhism, where the concept of mindfulness originated, the heart is considered the seat of the mind. The true mind, the wise voice within us, always resides in the heart. Our hearts contain unlimited compassion, wisdom, and Divine connection. In our western philosophy, the mind has normally been equated with the brain. I have nothing against brains. [...]

The vulnerable edge of growth: Leaning into expansion.

March has been a turbo, jetpack of a month for me. The creative ideas have been coming fast and furious and I have willingly surrendered to the amazingness. YogaReiki (now a thing), meditation courses based on my book material, a new practitioner space, book writing, blogging, essential oil meditation, teaching Reiki. It is a really [...]

Why I love Reiki even more: coping with minor emergencies and the unplanned 

This morning, as I was enjoying my coffee, the fire alarm started blaring in the hallway in my condo. I looked in the hallway expecting the usual false alarm, but instead saw a haze of smoke and neighbours trying to figure out the source. The fire department had been called and I could already hear the [...]

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