Poetry and Writing

Tiny steps

Tiny tiptoe tiny steps Treading onto Teaming streets. Racing traffic Impatient outbursts. Time to Put your Toys away. Tempting time It may seem to you. Travel lightly Follow fast. Find the light Within the past. Some remember Some forgot. Not your job To make That choice.

By |2013-04-25T23:53:24-06:00April 25, 2013|Categories: Poetry and Writing|Tags: |0 Comments

Creative Life

Making a commitment to write consistently in my blog is a scary thing. Being able to write from the heart and block out the internal editor is a practice that reminds me of my early attempts at meditation. I get this restless, fidgety feeling that coincides with being overwhelmingly sleepy. Sound familiar? I know I [...]

Urban Gardening

I love my balcony. Every spring, we find a mix of herbs and flowers that grow well in our little outdoor refuge. The power of having a little bit of nature in your day cannot be overstated. Nearly every ascended spiritual master found their way to enlightenment through a retreat into nature. Just sitting under [...]

By |2023-08-13T14:14:44-06:00June 9, 2011|Categories: Poetry and Writing|0 Comments
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