Poetry and Writing

Joyful Life: Writing and Helping Full-time

Summer is fully here. And with it arrives a dream. A year ago, I started the first draft of my book, The Secret Art of Happiness, and since then, I have been working on it whenever I could. Now I am lucky to be able to devote my focus and energy this summer on the revisions and [...]

Finding harmony: Snuggling up to the reverb

There is a sound  the Universe makes. It is a deep hum. Listen now. Listen until you hear the listening. Only then will you hear it. When you hear it, it is unmistakable. It's voice vibrates your atoms. It blurs the edges of the concept of 'you'. Me. I. In the stillness, allow the waves [...]

Butterfly silk: Weaving a tale of transformation 

Imagine tiny golden threads… No… not even that large. Imagine golden, light-filled strands, tiny filaments of silk. A breath and, afflutter, they swoosh and swirl away. Less solid than a curl of incense rising from the offering. […]

By |2018-06-11T19:26:41-06:00May 23, 2015|Categories: Poetry and Writing|Tags: , , , , |2 Comments

Is it a storm or is it potential for new life?

The pressure building in the sky makes my head ache and shift. I feel it in my eyes. It is a word, unspoken, on the lips of the sky. But is it really a storm? Is it disruption or is it renewal? Both. But how you look at the same moody sky changes everything. Under [...]

By |2021-11-09T08:12:15-07:00May 15, 2015|Categories: Poetry and Writing|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

A drop of gratitude nets the ocean

Affirmations are powerful. They are palpable vibrations that immediately begin shifting matter. Speak them aloud, and you will actually create form. Sound waves compress and decompress the air in front of your lips. The vibrations of vocal cords, nasal cavities, and even bone and brain. This is profound sound healing. […]

By |2024-01-03T19:12:19-07:00March 12, 2015|Categories: Poetry and Writing|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments

Just like riding a bike: Trading in perfectionism for joyfulness

I love my bike. Um... Bicycle for you motorcycle enthusiasts... I love my bicycle. I love the simple process of spinning the cranks and the glide of the tires. I love the balance, the repetition, the wind. I love the forward momentum generated by my own efforts. I love that the goal of every trip [...]

Inspiration or commitment or both?

When we begin any project there often is a big rush of energy. Inspiration. Everything is easy. It all just flows. If we are really lucky we can ride that wave of energy right to the finish. But far more often inspiration follows its true wave-like nature and we are left in the middle of [...]

By |2022-01-12T14:11:35-07:00February 22, 2015|Categories: Poetry and Writing|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments
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