
About Angela Hoogeveen

Hi! I'm Angela! I am a Reiki Master and practitioner here at LunaHolistic. Reiki has helped me change my life! I have benefited greatly from Reiki, so it's a privilege if I can do that for someone else! It's very rewarding to help someone. It fills the heart when you've helped someone heal/feel better. If I can do something to improve someone's life, I'm happy to do it! My spiritual practice is meditation, affirmations, gratitude, trying to be the observer, journaling, and hiking. Hiking in the mountains fills my soul! Reiki brings me closer to myself, closer to others and closer to the Divine. It fills my emotional cup when I can do Reiki on others. Reiki has helped me clear things that talk therapy never could. It has helped clear old patterns and old energetic negativity. Sharing my Reiki journey/experiences with people around me has, I believe, created a space for them to be introspective. I feel like it has opened the door for others to explore and grow their own spirituality.

Podcast 32 – Why Being an Empath is a Gift!

Learn why you are actually superhuman if you are an empath! In this podcast episode, Geneva Robins and Angela Hoogeveen discuss their healing journeys as strong empaths and how they have learned to clear, protect, and ground their energy. You can keep all your gifts sharp and stay sensitive without being bombarded, we'll show you [...]

Breaking my ankle was a wonderful experience! Learning how to receive help

Learning to ask for and receive help is one of the biggest spiritual lessons. It can be so difficult for many people, myself included, to ask for help and receive the care and support of others. I learned the hard way; I broke my ankle! While painful, it actually turned into an amazing experience where [...]

By |2023-08-13T13:56:31-06:00December 7, 2022|Categories: General|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments
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