guided meditation

Awakening Meditation

Spiritual transformation and growth can be an intense process. When you are in a moment of change in your life, you often receive downloads of energy and information. This Awakening Meditation will help you integrate that energy with each of your chakras, allowing you to interpret the guidance you are being given and put it [...]

Chakra Integration Meditation

Feel connected and flowing with your radiant purpose with the Chakra Integration Meditation. Harmonize your energy centers, achieve balance, and elevate your spiritual journey.  Chakra Integration Meditation We've got more meditations for you on the Insight Timer App. When your chakras are filled with energy and balanced, you feel inspired and connected to your inner [...]

Earth Meditation

Connect deeply to the nurturing power of meditation in this Earth Meditation. Feel grounded, renewed, and centred as you journey to meet Mother Earth. Earth Meditation   Subscribe to our YouTube Channel. Find more Support: Grounding Meditation Meet your Team Meditation Self Healing Meditation Tree Meditation Book a Session   Earth [...]

Mindful Meditation for Pain Relief

Experience the power of mindful meditation for pain relief. Learn to create a gentle, accepting space to decrease tension and alleviate emotional or physical pain. This meditation is from the Patience Chapter of the book The Secret Art of Happiness. Being patient is easy when everything is going well, but it is nearly impossible when [...]

Meet Your Team Meditation

Connect to your spiritual team, guides, angels, ascended masters and spiritual councillors in this deeply healing meditation journey. The Meet Your Team Meditation helps you connect to the energy, wisdom and guidance of your Divine Team.  Meet Your Team Meditation We’ve got more meditations for you on the Insight Timer App. Watch on YouTube [...]

Creative Warm-up – You Completely Trust Yourself

This is the first of many weekly Creative Warm-ups available on my Substack community. My goal with these short meditations and writing prompts is to activate your creative work. Get started and keep going!   By creating together, we make a gentle space that allows you and your work to simply be. The energy and [...]

Christmas Tree Aura Meditation

Create radiant energy in your energy field this season with this Christmas Tree Aura Meditation. Take a moment to ground into a peaceful and centred energy that is uplifting and clear.   Subscribe to our YouTube Channel   Other Meditation Resources for your Holidays: Holiday Magic Meditation Aura Flame Meditation Self Healing Meditation [...]

Heart Meditation

Expand into the infinite love of the Universe in this Heart Meditation. The heart chakra is the centre for love, connection, and compassion. The heart circulates joy and peace through our being. This meditation can help you settle into a state of self-love. […]

Starting Your Day Meditation

Try out this short 5-minute meditation to start your day. Meditation boosts your creativity and problem-solving abilities so you can get a clear start to your work or school day. Even a tiny meditation moment can shift your internal state and drop you out of the fight-flight-freeze state and into a calmer and more mindful [...]


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